Bible Study – Guardrails – Sunday
Bible Study – Guardrails
Guardrails! It’s only a five-week commitment on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 pm and Sunday evenings from 3 to 4 p.m. It will encourage you to live your best life. Here’s the link to the study guide. Each person will need one. Come join us for five weeks starting June 8th! If you don’t do Amazon, let us know and we will get your book ordered for you! They are $10.90 or you can get the kindle edition for $7.99.
To accommodate our workers on Wednesday nights who can’t attend and to also for those who cannot attend on Wednesday nights for some other reason, GUARDRAILS Bible study will be offered on Sunday afternoon from 3 to 4:30 p.m. with refreshments included. It is only a 5-week commitment! Come join us and don’t forget to go on AMAZON and order your study guide or let us know so we can get you one ordered! The cost is $10.90 for the paper version or get the kindle version for a little less.